Stangline Forum Rules

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Staff member
Reaction score
Jackson Twp
First Name
2021 Mustang GT
The following is a set of forum rules for Stangline members. All members should follow the rules. It is not possible for all Administrators and Moderators to read every single post. If you notice a violation of rules, please use the 'Report Post' function (located in the bottom left corner of every post).

1. Private Forum—This is a private forum. All forum topics should be consistent with the sub-forum subject matter. Please keep religion and politics out of all threads. Anything else that doesn't violate the rules is fair game. :)

2. Be Respectful—Treat each other with a level of overall respect. Vulgar/demeaning language will not be tolerated. Trolling, flaming or continuous acts of disrespect will be given a warning. Continued infractions will result in the user being banned.

3. Thread Takeover or dumping—Keep threads on topic and don't make it about yourself. If a thread inspires you to ask a question, please create a new thread. This way you aren't taking over another user's thread to fill your own need.

4. Search—Conduct a search prior to posting any question. Unless your thread is very specific to your situation, there is a good chance it has been asked before.

5. Post in the Proper Forum—Help keep the forum organized. Posting in the proper forum will help keep all discussions on topic. If you feel there should be additional sub-forums, reach out to the forum administrators or moderators. A moderator will move posts to their proper locations.

6. Advertising—Only forum sponsors may make threads for commercial use (sales, advertising, marketing, r&d, etc). All commercial posts should be made in the forum sponsor areas or the sponsor-specific sub-forums.

7. Vendor Conflicts—All sponsors should be respectful to each other. Promote your own brand in the appropriate channels. Do not bash any other vendors.

8. Spam—Spam of any kind will not be tolerated. This includes links to third-party sites or unsponsored solicitation. Repeated action will result in account suspension or banning.
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