The C7's are pretty, indeed!
Ironically, I sold my 2005 GT convertible to buy a C5 convertible ( a model year 2000); two years later, I sold the C5 to purchase my '06 GT convertible. I was surprised at how much I missed the retro-style of the S197's about a week after I got rid of my '05 GT.
But I really thought I wanted a Corvette, especially after admiring them since I was five yrs old. I suffered a bit of what sometimes happens when you meet your idol; it wasn't as exciting or amazing as what I had built it up in my mind to be. Most likely, my expectations were too high for the car to meet. I honestly just felt "older" driving the Vette; it was an automatic, and not much to do except put it in "Drive" and go. The S197 is such a deliberate throwback to the '67 muscled styling, has that Tremec 5 speed manual gearbox, and it's just more of a brute than the exotic sportscar style of the Vettes.
Having said all that, I do admire the euro-inspired lines of the C7. They are unique and different, and when you're a "car guy", you appreciate all the beautiful hot rods, no matter what badge they're sporting!
I really hope yours is a much better experience than mine. By the way, Restoration Station in Springboro does a yearly Fall Colors Tour the 3rd weekend of October, it's a Corvette-only event, and usually attracts 200-300 cars. Worth checking out!
Happy motoring!
My 2000 in Dark Bowling Green Metallic, one of only 777 made in that color.
And my '06 GT; don't know how many were made, and don't care! I'm not getting rid of this, ever